Welcome from Admissions
We appreciate your interest in KIS Seoul, a dynamic and innovative school that matches classroom learning to real life application. At KIS Seoul, we encourage high achievement, enjoyment of learning and celebration of differences and similarities. Thus, we are looking for academically strong applicants with excellent character and an interest in developing their own full potential as well-rounded global citizens.
We invite you to learn more about KIS by visiting our campus. The Admissions Office looks forward to meeting you and helping you discover how KIS can meet your child’s educational needs. Our staff is available to assist you throughout the application process, answer any questions you have about our international educational community, and ensure that the transition is as seamless as possible.
For more information, please contact the Admissions Office at 82-2-3496-0510. You can also email us at eyinfo@kis.or.kr.
KIS Seoul Admissions Office
Application Steps
Thank you for your interest in KIS Seoul! We want your child’s application process to be streamlined and supported. Our admissions team is available to answer any questions. Below are important dates to help you plan your application process.
2024-25 Enrollment Timeline
Monday, December 4, 2023: The 2024-25 application for new students opens. KIS offers rolling admissions but we recommend that three-year overseas applications are completed with all documents submitted prior to March 1, 2024.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024: KIS Seoul issues re-enrollment deposit invoices. A deposit is required to secure a student’s enrollment for the 2024-25 school year.
Friday, February 16, 2024: Re-enrollment deposits are due.
Monday, March 4, 2024: The KIS Seoul admissions team begins offering waitlist applicants placement for the 2024-25 school year. Waitlist applicants are contacted as placements open.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024: KIS Seoul issues 2024-25 school year tuition invoices for returning students.
Monday, May 13, 2024: KIS Seoul issues 2024-25 school year tuition invoices for all new students.
Application is still OPEN for the 2023-2024 academic year! KIS provides rolling admissions and considers applications throughout the school year as space is available. Please contact our Admissions Team at eyinfo@kis.or for more information.
Step 1
Entrance Qualification: Who is eligible to attend an international school in Korea?
Families wishing to apply to Korea International School must meet the eligibility requirements set out by the Korean Ministry of Education:
- A student having one or more parents holding a nationality that is not Korean as verified by an alien registration card and Korean family registry.
- A student who has lived overseas for no less than 3 years (1,095 days) as verified by the “Entry and Exit Certificate” issued by the Korean immigration department.
- A student currently enrolled at an accredited international school in Korea.
- A student with 6 semesters of official report cards and a letter of attendance from an overseas school. Note: 6 semesters status applies only to Grade 1 and above.
- One or both parents are naturalized Korean citizens whose child is considered to be unable to continue study in the local school system (Grades 1-12), as determined by the deliberation of the school’s Operations Committee, and approved by the Principal of the local school.
Grade & Age Eligibility
Step 3
Applicant Photo
Please prepare a recent photo of your child for identification purposes. A passport style image in jpg format is best.
Please prepare a valid copy of the ID page for:
- Applicant (copies of both passports if student is a dual citizen)
- Applicant’s Mother
- Applicant’s Father
Birth Certificate
Please prepare a copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or Korean Family Registry.
Eligibility Documents
- Foreign Parent(s)
- Non-Korean Ethnicity: Copy of the front and back of a valid Residence Card or Diplomatic/SOFA IDs
- Korean Ethnicity: Copy of the front and back of a valid Residence Card (외국국적동포 국내거소증), a copy of Korean Family Registry or Deleted Family Registry
- 3 Years Overseas Stay
- Official Certificate of Entry and Exit for applicant
- If the applicant has dual citizenship, please submit a certificate for each passport.
- A student whose parent is a naturalized Korean citizen
- Copy of child’s Korean Family Registry (자녀의 가족관계증명서)
- Original Identification Certificate of the parents (부모의 기본증명서)
- Original letter issued by the Principal of the local school confirming the deliberation of the Operations Committee.
(학교운영위원회의 심의, 의결을 확인하는 한국 학교 교장의 공식 편지 문서)
- International School Transfer
- Letter of attendance from current international school stating date of initial enrollment.
- Details of the eligibility requirement that was met at the time of applicant’s admission to current school.
- Six (6) Semesters Overseas
- Official report cards and/or transcripts showing completion of six (6) semesters from school(s) abroad.
- Official letter of attendance from school(s) abroad.
- Official Certificate of Entry and Exit for applicant.
Transcripts and/or Report Cards
The documents should be written in English or translated into English with notarization, and sent directly to KIS.
- PK – K: Please provide all available school documents.
- G1 – G5: Please provide report cards for current and previous two (2) years.
Confidential Recommendations
Please request that your child’s homeroom teacher complete our Letter of Recommendation Form. The form should be submitted directly to KIS from the teacher via email at eyinfo@kis.or.kr or through the online application site.
Standardized Test Results
Grades 3-5: Please provide standardized test scores taken within the last 12 months. Acceptable standardized tests include MAP, ISEE, STAR, and most US state assessments. KIS offers on-site assessment for applicants in Korea who do not have standardized test scores.
For applicants without other test scores who are not yet in Korea, the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) is a worldwide option.
Step 4
At KIS, admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis. It is recommended that applicants have all eligibility documentation and testing completed at least one month before the anticipated first day of school.
Step 5
At this point, all required documents should have been submitted. Only students who have submitted all required documents will be contacted for testing/interview scheduling via parent’s email. If you are not contacted to schedule testing, please refer to Step 3 to determine if any documents are missing.
Please note that the entire evaluation process typically takes between 5-10 business days after the Admissions Exam and Interview. Application results will be communicated via email on the result of their admissions application.
Join Us Today!
KIS Seoul Campus welcomes students throughout the school year on a rolling admissions basis that supports students and families through their application, acceptance, and transition to our school community!