Physical Education
The KIS Seoul Campus physical education curriculum focuses on broadening students’ physical knowledge, skills and understanding across a range of activity areas. Each grade level has the opportunity to develop skills and apply these through games and sports, strategies and movement composition such as dance and gymnastics. Over their elementary school years, students build their stamina, strength and flexibility to apply themselves in a range of competitive, creative and challenging learning engagements. An additional focus of the PE program includes a focus on health and wellbeing. Students learn about food groups and healthy lifestyle choices, physical changes such as puberty (upper elementary), character building and sportspersonship, goal setting and reflection, and mindfulness.
The PE curriculum opportunities offered to students are broad and varied across dance, gymnastics and athletics. This enables students to develop their fine and gross muscle groups, and develop more specific physical interests as they progress through their learning journey. The varied learning engagements focus on performance assessment criteria, developing skills in isolation; and the application of skills, techniques and decision making. Students progress and improve their knowledge and understanding in key sports areas, and refine and adapt their movement skills to develop their physical fitness and expand their confidence. PE learning is augmented by our suite of Saturday events and After-School Clubs, giving children unique and varied opportunities to become confident and curious.